Friday, March 25, 2005

The Greatest Ex-President

Former President Jimmy Carter is set to head up a commission to study election administration in America. It has always struck me funny that we as a nation claim the moral status of the greatest democracy in the world, but can't seem to run our elections with any kind of certainty. Carter certainly has the credentials to lead this commission and I hope they come up with some strong recommendations that Congress and the states will implement. To say that we have had problems is an understatement of monumental proportions.

One quick thing about President Carter. To be sure, I was just a kid when he was in the White House, so I don't remember much--aside from getting slighted for the Nobel Peace Prize earlier when he brokered the Camp David Accords between Egypt and Israel--but that is another matter. Since leaving the White House 25 years ago, his career and work have been spectacular. Without a doubt, when Mr. Carter leaves this world, we will have lost a great man. In my opinion he is the greatest ex-President we have ever had and likely will ever have. I disagree with some of his politics, but his heart and his efforts have always been to making the world better and who can argue with that.

Carter to Head Elections Panel (