Tuesday, October 31, 2006

John Kerry--Self-Inflicted Wound Produces Political Suicide

For a man who believes he is entitled to a second chance at the Presidency, he is doing a damn fine job of making sure he doesn't get one. Assuming he jumps into the race his Democratic rivals will use this video, the GOP will definitely use this video. He is done.

Michelle Malkin has the video and comments.

Like many of commenters, I am a veteran, former enlisted and hold a law degree. I graduated in the top 10% of my high school class, and was a cum laude graduate of the University of Maryland and Catholic University Law School. I worked hard at school and at serving my country. I know for a fact that in an all-volunteer force, the intelligence and education of most of the enlisted members of the service is high. Many, if not most, of the senior enlisted personnel have bachelor's degrees, some have masters and I know a few who had Ph.D's in various fields. The modern military requires smart people who can study, who can think technically and work together.

When John Kerry gets up there and says something like this, it just chafes to no end.

I expect a great deal of back pedaling from the Kerry camp on this. But if the GOP is smart, they will paint Democrats with the Kerry brush, after all, he was their standard bearer in 2004.

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