Monday, November 21, 2005

Racism Alive and Well on the Left

For those of you who have been reading my posts on the Democratic racial smear of Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, know what I think of that kind of activity.

I am also a fan of Michelle Malkin (a fellow Marylander and I would guess eventual supported of Mr. Steele). I don't agree with all she writes, but that is what makes a good writer, she makes people think and question. But many times I have perused her blog to see hate filled invective and flat out racism.

Well, she has taken yet another stand against the idiots of the left. Not content just to hurl racial slurs her way, the left now considers her an idiot not to mention a member of the world's oldest profession--of which she is neither, they must drag down her family.

I find such tactics disgusting on more than one level. I, like Michelle I believe, am willing to debate anyone, on any topic, at any time, and in any place. Mess with me all you want, I can take it. Mess with my family or my friends and you will suffer a wrath unknown on this earth. I do not have the honor of calling Michelle Malkin a friend, but such asinine activity has no place in the arena of political debate.

My only fear is that Michelle's children will have to attend school with a different last name, lest the children of hate-mongers have learned at the knee of their misguided parents.

If Michelle ever needs someone to watch her virtual back, I will galdly volunteer my services as I am sure others will.

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