Friday, February 18, 2005

Getting Rid of School Fundraisers

One New Jersey lawmaker is fed up with all the school fundraisers that ask kids to sell items from pizza kits to wrapping paper.

"Sen. Thomas Gaffey, D-Meriden, is proposing legislation that would let schools send out just one fund-raising packet per family each year, and only to students in sixth grade or above.

Gaffey, co-chairman of the General Assembly's Education Committee, said children shouldn't have to come up with the money to pay for their experiences in the public schools. He has also proposed legislation this session to eliminate fees for sports and extracurricular activities.

"The school budget ought to include moneys for these, and everybody's aunts and uncles and grandparents and parents shouldn't be besieged with fund-raising requests seemingly throughout the year," he said. "

The logic doesn't follow. If the school budgets had the money for all the things these fundraisers are designed to support, there would be no need for the fundraisers. Once again, government is not doing what they should to fund public schools, so parents and teachers (not the unions) are stepping into the void to make sure their kids get the things they need to make their education worthwhile. - AP Connecticut

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