Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Flight 93 Memorial Conspiracy Theories

I recognize that any issue surrounding 9/11 generates intense feelings. I also know that memorials to the heroes of that day, from the unsung to the well-known are an important part of the healing process and the rememberence of the tragedy.

I am also aware of the power of symbols and the symbology of memorials carries more weight that others. I do agree that the design for the Flight 93 Memorial was insensitive at best and downright stupid at worst. I do believe the architects and designers completely ignored the politics of the day and the underlying motivations of the terrorists as well as their heritage and religion. The design of the memorial as originally proposed was poorly conceived.

yet having said that, I do believe that in some cases there are coincidences that need not be delved into as come sort of conspiracy. This post at Cao's blog is a prime example. As a former navigator, I cannot deny the accuracy of the mapping work done, but I don't think there was any effort by the architects to take the insensitivity to the level being described. the perpendicular line being drawn simply boggles the mind that the designers intended the result.

I could be wrong, but I would like to see more evidence than just cartographic calculations. The simple fact of the matter is that Mecca is on the physical other side of the world. There could be dozens of reasons for the placement of the contructed memorial, from shape and form of hte land to the zoning requirements for the memorial.

Just because the designers were insensitive the realities of the people being memorialized does not mean they have some devious plan to undermine the purpose of the memorial.

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