Friday, May 19, 2006 - News - Where Does Brian Bilbray Really Live?

This is kind of an interesting story. Where Does Brian Bilbray Really Live?

Brian Bilbray is a candidate for the 50th District of California. One thing that seems to be omitted from the story is that the Constitution states that representatives shall be "when elected, an inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen." Everyone assumes that a candidate must live in the district he/she represents, but that is false, they merely need to live in the state.

Now the twist here is not whether Bilbray's California home is in the 50th District, but whether his home of record is in Virginia. If he is determined to be a resident of Virginia, he may be prohibited from running for Congress in California. Of course, all he may have to do is disavow his residency in Virginia.

On a more macro level, given the nearly year-round nature of Congress, how does one rectify a DC area living arrangement and a district home, particularly when one has children you don't want to move around so much.

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