Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Technology in the Classroom

Michael Lopeze, filling in for the honeymooning Joanne Jacocs, poses this Open Debate, about classroom technology.

Honestly, a debate about whiteboards or Smart Boards does very little for the actual purpose of the schools, educating the kids. One of the commenters noted that
Educational technology is like advanced weaponry. In the right hands, the weapons can be used to conquer the world or deter horrible things. In the wrong hands, the weapons can do a whole lot of damage to a whole lot of people.
The analogy may be a little suspect, but in general it is apt.

Classroom technology may be just another tool for teachers, but unless they are taught first, how to use the technology in the lessons and second, to realize that technology is not a panacea, advanced technology is not going to help.

I work in teh political field, which has also been flooded with all kinds of nifty technology, from advanced mapping databases to automated, customized calling robots. But the most common problem is that the full capabilitys of all this whiz bang technology is rarely used. But it doesn't change anything, politics is, and always will be, about connecting with people and you can't replace that with technology.

Education is the same thing. Technology with all kinds of bells and whistles in classrooms will be like all the political software and tools I have seen, underused. The money could be spent in better ways, I am sure and you can also be sure that there will be haves and have nots, guaranteed to exacerbate an already contentious debate on resources.

Now, if the technology is fully implemented and actually intensifies and expands the learning of students, then I am all for it. But if we are spending money just because it is the latest fad among school constuction experts, I am skeptical to say the least.

Finally, if any piece of technology in a classroom doesn't have more than one use, it probably doesn't need to be there. Just an added thought.

White board versus chalk board? Who gives a damn--just teach my kids something.

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