Friday, August 03, 2007

Mike Pence On Why He Left Last Night

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence talks about why he walked out last night:
I consider my ability to vote on the floor of the House of Representatives to be a privilege and a duty that I approach with great reflection and forethought.

“Last night, the Republican minority in the Congress won a great victory for the American people, denying welfare benefits to illegal immigrants in the Agriculture Appropriations bill.

“After Republicans prevailed, and after the gavel fell, the Democratic majority reopened the vote to ensure that illegal immigrants would be entitled to welfare benefits under this bill.

“Along with my Republican colleagues, I walked out on behalf of the overwhelming majority of the American people who do not want illegal immigrants to receive welfare benefits.
While that may be nice, and I am not convinced that the Democrats didn't engage in some shady practices, I am not convinced that Pence and the Republicans weren't being just as partisan.

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