Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Presidential Campaigns Are Setting Funding Records

Really!! GASP!!! How shocking. The Campaign Finance Institute breathlessly announces the patently obvious. They also include a reference (as I told you they would) that most of the candidates are getting most of their money in $1000 or larger chunks.

I still fail to see why this is such a bad thing. Campaigns run on money. Money is what pays salaries and consultants; money pays for direct mail and telephones; money pays for advertising and travel. Campaigns need money like humans need air and water.

Raising money is hard work and it takes a small army of people to raise money. Consider the fact that it takes approximately the same amount of time and energy to get a $500 donation as it does a $2,300 donation, it should come as no surpise to see that time an attention goes to a $2,300 donor. That is simple common sense.

Finally, in a nation that spends billions of dollars a year on potato chips, why is it such a bad thing to spend a billion or two on the election of the Leadere of the Free World?

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