Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Specter Blasts Comment by Reid

Will everything be tied to how much lobbying money was spent? Apparently, Democrats can't resist tieing any bill to the lobbying money spent, but this is a tactic sure to backfire. Lobbyists and lobbying organziations spend a lot of time lobbying Democrats too. This recent effort by Democrats to tie everything to the Abramoff scandal and the lobbying reform movement is just bad politics and really bad leadership because no member of Congress is immune from lobbying, nor should they be.

From the Roll Call story:
During a floor speech Monday afternoon, Reid vowed to defeat the asbestos legislation and, in an effort to tie it to the current lobbying and ethics scandals, argued that the Senate was considering the bill only because 13 "companies spent $144.5 million in two years lobbying to get it here."
Specter was right to blast Reid for this statement.

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