Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Level of Debate

Steven Taylor has this excellent post at Outside the Beltway, where he takes several people, including Michelle Malkin, to task for trying to find someone or something to blame.
What in the world is going on? First we have Derbyshire and Blake and now this. First, why do we have to find blame in places other than the fact that a truly disturbed individual simply did an unthinkable act and cracked. There is only so much that can be done in a free society to prevent such situations. This attempt to blame a general “liberal” attitude at universities and that this somehow has led to a culture of “conflict avoidance” that somehow, by inference, led to people not defending themselves on Monday–that is utterly ridiculous.(links in original altered)
Of course it is natural to look for someone or some orgranization to blame. Given the revelations of the past 24 hours, the Virginia courts and mental health system is likely to take a beating, but can we really blame anyone than the killer?

He cracked and yes, it now appears that the cracking was a slow process, but do we have to torment ourselves and the already bereaved families with searching for the scapegoat? I would hope not.

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