Thursday, June 16, 2005

Dems cheer House poll

This from The Hill newspaper, but also found at Roll Call. The Democrats have release (sort of) a poll that shows a number of GOPincumbents who are vulnerable in next year's election. Now the election, for those of you without easy access to a calendar is nearly 18 months away. There is no reason to believe that these incumbents won't be able to repair their image.

Of course, right now the Dems need all the help they can get. Yet at the same time, having a vulnerable incumbent is only part of the battle. You also need to have a viable challenger, which is harder to achieve.

Also, if the Dems are so proud of vulnerable Republicans, why not release the names....Oh, I know why, if you release the names, the GOP will start to shore them up--making their defeat harder to achieve, as if it is not hard enough already to knock off an incumbent.

Polls like these are practically useless. Yet, the release of such news for the Dems is being treated as if it were a message from on high that the Dems will take over the house next year. As I have said many time before, without a message, you got nothing but dreams.

Dems cheer House poll

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