Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Difference Between Scooter Libby and Bill Clinton

Bob Geiger tries to make a point about how GOP Senators who voted to impeach Bill Clinton are somehow hypocrites when it comes to holding high public officials accountable for their actions.

While there is plenty of hypocrisy to go around on the Libby commutation, there is no hypocrisy on the party of GOP senators who voted to impeach the President and support the President in his decision to commute Scooter Libby's sentence.

First the similarities between the two cases. Both were high public officials. Both lied under oath and both were tried for their alleged or actual crimes. Finally, both cases have been handled according to Constitutional dictates.

Now the differences.

Bill Clinton was an elected President. Scooter Libby a staffer unelected by anyone but Dick Cheney. While both men are supposed to uphold the highest moral standards, one was a public official publicly elected. Prior to his naming as a possible outer of Valerie Plame, I wouldn't have been able to pick out Scooter Libby from a lineup nor know his name outside the Federal Yellowbook--and I follow politics.

Scooter Libby was convicted and is still a convicted felon. Bill Clinton, while many GOP Senators voted to impeach him, was not and is not a convicted anything.

Geiger then makes this statement:
Of the 25 Republican Senators still in the Senate and who voted that day to convict Clinton on both articles of impeachment, not one of them has issued a public statement on the Libby sentence commutation in the three days since it occurred.

Not one.

There's not even a statement of support for Bush's lawless decision (empahsis added)
For this stupidity, I refer Mr. Geiger to Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution and this lesson on the Constitution I recommended for another Constitutionally, ignorant liberal-Joe Wilson.

While the GOP Conference in the Senate can issue press releases as they see fit, I noticed that Bob Geiger didn't comment on the rediculous hearing that the House Judiciary Committee is planning. Talk about hypocrisy.

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