Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Two Types of Republicans

Peter Sasso thinks there are two types of Republicans right now:
There are two camps: the obtuse and the defeatists. The Obtuse are those who refuse to admit that this election is going to be ‘Mount Everest’ for Republicans. We enter the election as the party with a 29 % presidential approval rating and operating a highly unpopular war. Rudy Giuliani is the only Republican front runner to finish ahead of Edwards, Obama or Clinton in a long list of polling at Those who are blind to the Republican Party’s underdog position should open their eyes and pay attention to reality.

The other camp of Republicans- the defeatists- pay too much attention to the polls. Off the record they tell you that they simply can not imagine a Republican winning the White House. Many seasoned beltway GOPers are quietly thinking which Democrat contender would be the easiest President to work with. These Republicans need a reminder that we don’t sulk or quit before the fight is finished.
Not a bad summary.

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