Monday, May 02, 2005

Law School Retrospective--Pt. 3--Second Class Citizens

I have had it!!!! (Here comes a rant so be prepared).

As an evening division student at Catholic Law, I am used to having issues with the administration. Earlier in my law school career I got truly bent out of shape about some scheduling issues. How can an administration, with a straight face, declare that a class held at 10:00 am truly be considered a Day/Evening class, meaning the class is open to all students? Even the most supportive of employers of evening division students will not permit employees to be gone in the middle of the morning three days a week!!! For that matter, many of the courses for evening division students often begin at 4:00 pm or 4:30 pm, which makes it difficult for students to attend. Finally, how can a school justify requiring a course (Professional Responsibility-which I admit is necessary), offer every semester for day division students and only once a year for evening division students?

These were just some of my issues with the administration over time. But this most recent one just adds insult to injury.

Today, I find, from a classmate, that the evening division was completely slighted in the annual toasts to the graduating class. Teh school posts a nice little write-up about the toast for day division students, but not one mention of the toast given for evening division students the night before. Not even a mention!!!

Thus I lend this advice to future evening division law students. You will find, in addition to all the regular stuff faced by law students across the country, the added burden of dealing with an administration who treats the evening division as an afterthought, as a revenue stream rather than students who have something valuable to offer the school. While I have enjoyed my classes, my professors and particularly my classmates, I do feel, to a significant extent, that I have been slighted by the administration--a group of people who have renenged on their promise to treat evening students, to the extent possible, the same as day division students.

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