Thursday, June 14, 2007

Democrats--More Efficient Than Republicans--At Failure

Don Surber details the incompetence of the first Democratic Congress in 12 years:
The Los Angeles Times released a poll this week that showed only 27 percent of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, while 65 percent disapprove.

Last April, the same newspaper poll showed a Republican Congress with 28 percent approval and 61 percent disapproval.

It took Republicans 12 years to dissolve. Democrats have done it in less than six months.

I congratulate them on their efficiency.
Read the whole thing.

1 comment:

John G Erikson said...

Most Americans tend to mix a three branches of government together this poll only represents america's disapproval of their own government. You are to quick to blame this on democrates, also most of that disapproval is just left over from the republican congress that held the floor two years ago.