Tuesday, October 18, 2005

New Plan To Renew DC Schools: Boost Taxes

When your school district already spends more per pupil than any other state in the country, is spending more money really the answer?

DC Councilwoman Kathy Patterson is suggesting raising taxes to generate $1 billion over 10 years for capital improvements to the DC schools. Of course raising taxes is a bold political step, but

The council in recent years has provided the school system with much smaller annual appropriations for its capital improvement plan than school officials had anticipated. The funding gap prompted the school board to scale back the construction program this year, from major modernization of most of the schools to renovations at seven senior high schools and modest repair work at other facilities.

According to Mike over at Education Intelligence Agency, DC spent $13,328 per pupil in 2002-2003. Many current estimates put DC per pupil expenditures somewhere around $15,000 a year. While capital improvements are necessary, perhaps DC needs to look elsewhere. I am not sure about the wisdom of this move since it seems to me like just another move to throw money at a problem.

For more reaction, check out the DC Education Blog.

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