Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Devil's Advocate--Can Bite Me

I have had with the concept of the "Devil's Advocate" for the sake of being the Devil's Advocate. There are peopole out there who get off on being argumentative.

I know there are times for a Devil's Advocate (can we come up with a better name). After all in my future business of being a lawyer, that attorney has to play that role sometimes, to poke holes in a theory or get information. That's fine because it has a time a place.

But I don't need some smartass to take up time in my day being argumentative for hte sake of being argumentative. Now I like a good debate and will gladly debate anyone with an opinion. But don't take a stance contrary to mine just to argue. There are so many other topics out there we can talk about, like who will win the Super Bowl, politics, the weather, the speed that paint dries, anything. I don't need an argument in every conversation.

Don't ask me a question or my opinion and then challenge me when you feel the same way I do. If we agree on something, say so and we can talk about details, but don't become a Devil's Advocate unless I need one.

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