Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Narrow-Mindedness of People

It is smucks like Fairfax County (VA) School Board Member Stephen Hunt that give me heartburn about the current state of education in this country.

As written in the Washington Post story below, Hunt sent a letter to county high school principles that he thinks the teaching of the homosexual lifestyle as a normal option is wrong. Hunt's comments, "Children are being taught that homosexuality is normal and natural. It is neither...To state that it is normal or natural is to promote the myth that accompanies the homosexual activist rhetoric," is just the latest example of what happens when some close-minded jerk is elected to the school board.

Hunt's comments would suggest to young men and women that they should hide who they are because it is not what Hunt considers normal. I don't know why some people have a homosexual orientation and we should not be teaching our children that who they are, if it be gay or straight, is something to be hidden or ashamed of.

As my daughter ages and comes to the time when she will start going to school, I fear that reactionary idiots like Hunt will be influencing her.

The good news in the article, at least Hunt appears to be in a significant minority on the school board.

Schools Official Assails 'Gay Lifestyle' (

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