Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Barack Obama Doesn't Love the United States

Yesterday and today has seen a flurry of political posts, not long after I said I have not posted a lot on the election. Well, that is the fickle nature of how my head works.

I have been thinking a lot about an Obama presidency and I while I am certain I will not like many, or probably all, of the Obama Administration policies (or for the matter a McCain Administration), I will say that there is one troubling aspect that truly bothers me about Obama. For the longest time, I really couldn't put my finger on it, until, unfortunately, last night and here it is:

I don't think Obama believes that the United States of America is the greatest nation ever on the Earth.

That is a big problem. I can honestly say, that every man who has been President in my lifetime and in the histories I have read of other Presidents, that each one of them, to a man, believed that this is the greatest country ever--full stop. There was no equivocation, no doubts--not even Bill Clinton. I truly believe that each of those men, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter even, really believed in the specialness (?) and uniqueness of the United States and her place in the world and world history.

I don't believe that about Obama. Call it the Reverend Wright influence or the pandering to the world population (See Berlin) or his general elitism, I just don't think or believe that Obama believes in the fact that the United States is the greatest nation ever.

That is what bothers me the most. I can forgive a President for espousing policies I consider abhorrent because I have trust in that President's belief that he was doing what he felt best for this nation. I can agree to disagree with a man who truly believes that what he is doing is right because he loves this country with all his heart and soul. But without that foundational belief that our new President believes fully in the greatness of our country, I am not sure I can forgive a President whose policies are, in my mind, wrong.

I hope I am wrong about Obama on this score, I really do. But am I?


Anonymous said...

You'll see. Give him a chance

Anonymous said...

Obama vicory is the best thing that could happen to this country. Republicans lost but conservatives won in several ways. A true leader will emerge by 2010. Remember, it took a Carter to bring us a Reagan.

Anonymous said...

Obama vicory is the best thing that could happen to this country. Republicans lost but conservatives won in several ways. A true leader will emerge by 2010. Remember, it took a Carter to bring us a Reagan.

Anonymous said...

With all due respect, what a fatuous post. Exactly what evidence do you have to suggest he doesn't love his country? Sorry, Reverend Wright doesn't cut it. What exactly, other than love of country, could impel anyone to take the job of president at this time?

By the way, people who are truly patriotic preserve their ability to criticize their country for its shortcomings--if only to make it better. My family came to the U.S. from a country where all criticism was construed as treason. Their love of country rests on their belief in the value of dissent.

Anonymous said...

You did not give any evidence for your opinion that Mr. Obama doesn't think the USA is the greatest nation ever on earth. But, why is this a negative trait? Do you REALLY think our nation is the greatest EVER on earth? How can we even fix our mouth to say this?

Our nation is great - no doubt. Is it the greatest ever? I don't know. Our nation has LOTS of issues that other nations don't have. And there are a lot of awesome things about our nation that pretty much "stink" in others. But I do not believe that a president must blind himself with the belief that we are the greatest nation on earth as this might keep him or her from pushing forward to achivieving a greater greatness. If we are already great, why improve?

I believe that Obama feels we are a nation built on continuous improvement in an effort to become the greatest nation ever on earth.