Thursday, May 24, 2007

Another Grim Milestone?

Gateway Pundit has some numbers up about the fatalities of the US military in the War on Terror.
The US has been fighting the War on Terror for over 5 years and has lost just over half the soldiers in battle as the Clinton Administration was losing during peacetime in 8 years.
Some of the data is presented in some funny ways, but there are some interesting views.

One thing is that the deaths are skewed. From what I can tell, the military deaths for the George W. Bush administration do not included deaths outside of the Iraqi or Afghan theaters, while the Clinton years do.

I wonder what the scale looks like when all military deaths are included.

This is not to say that the price is too high. One death is a high price, but freedom and security are too--that is why we elect leaders to make these decisions.

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