Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Democrats Collapse

CNN is reporting that the Democrats will send President Bush a war funding bill that does not include a timetable for troop withdrawal:
Earlier this month, Bush vetoed a war spending bill passed by the Democratically-controlled Congress that included a timetable for withdrawal. The president has insisted that he will not sign any bill that includes such a provision.

The bill is expected to include benchmarks that the Iraqi government would have to achieve. The bill is also expected to require the president to provide numerous reports to Congress before August 2007 on the Iraqi government's progress, the aides said.

If the Iraqi government fails to meet the benchmarks, the aides said, reconstruction funds could be cut. The bill may also allow the president to waive the penalties for failing to meet the benchmarks if he feels they are necessary.
So lets take a look at this idea.

First, no timetable for withdrawal. Score one for the President.

Second, Benchmarks for Iraqi government to meet. But failure to meet benchmarks does not cut military spending but reconstruction spending would be cut. Score one for the President.

Third, Congress to require numerous reports the President must send to Congress. Since Congress's role is to provide oversight of the executive branch, that is just part of their job, but I'll give them that one. Score one for Congress.

Fourth, the President may, in his discretion, waive penalties if the Iraqis fail to meet the benchmarks if he thinks it fair. Score one for teh President.

My tally--3 to 1 in favor of the President.

Now the problem of course is that the supplemental appropriations bill contains a fair deal of pork and an increase in teh minimum wage to $7.25. These provisions have no bearing on teh war in Iraq and should not be included. But the President probably won't veto it.

So on the big issue of Iraq funding, the Democrats folded like a cheap card table. Their consolation prize, a few dozen reports and an minimum wage increase likely to damage the economy, the impact of which won't be felt for a few years, after George W. Bush is out of the White House and a possible Democratic president takes up residency.

Not real smart politics.

1 comment:

Carl Nyberg said...

What's your evidence raising the minimum wage will damage the economy?