Tuesday, May 22, 2007

NY Teacher Arrested for Having Sex With Student On Campus

What is it with some people?:
A social studies teacher at Columbia High School was charged Monday with repeatedly having oral sex in his classroom with a 16-year-old male student during the school day.

Late last week a rumor circulated at Columbia High School that social studies teacher Kirk James Hellwig, 37, of Patricia Lane, Saratoga Springs, was allegedly carrying on a sexual relationship during school time with one of his students.
Obviously the teacher's self-control is an issue here (the student, a 16-year old boy, reportedly said it was consensual although legally the student is legally incapable of consenting). I am not saying the relationship was proper, but what would possess a person to have sex with a minor student ON CAMPUS.

On the grounds of sheer stupidity, this teacher should be fired. Which by the way, he hasn't been fired, but suspended. The story does not mention whether he has been suspended with or without pay.

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