Friday, May 11, 2007

Hillary's Poor Outreach Operation

In a Washington Times story, several black leaders in early primary states wonder what is happening in the Democratic frontrunner's camp:
Most black Democrats are still uncommitted in their party's 2008 presidential race, but several officials say they are impressed with the aggressive outreach of Sen. Barack Obama's campaign.

Without a matching response from Mrs. Clinton, many said the New York Democrat could be facing a "groundswell" of support for Mr. Obama, Illinois Democrat, by this summer.

"If that occurs, Obama will sweep up a lot of people who would normally be with the Clintons," said Georgia state Rep. Al Williams, chairman of the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus.

Mr. Williams said he likes the Clintons personally and is watching Mrs. Clinton very closely but is not sure she knows she is in a real race.

"I find it interesting that I have not yet heard from them," he said. "I have had eight different calls from the Obama camp and heard from him personally once already. They are very aggressive, and he turned it up considerably after April."
Interestingly, one of the criticims leveled against Obama is that he needs to get into the black communities as well.


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